Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Don't watch Law & Order: SVU if you don't want to think horrible thoughts

Over the next few weeks we're going to explore my feelings on a lot of things. I am pretty sure that most of you will agree with me. I always find it funny that if you take one idea and couch it in different terms, you can make atheists, Christians, republicans, democrats, rednecks, europeans and me agree. However, you Idealists out there are on your own.

I'm not sure this is going to be one of those times.

Now I understand sexual deviants, I went to college. And yes, I do look at pedophilia as a sexual deviancy. And I feel so very bad for those people who have that proclivity. I know it probably stemmed from some abuse in their childhood. Really, I'm sorry about your luck. This doesn't stop me from thinking they should be put to death, ESPECIALLY if they've ever acted upon it.

What are the options? The can be in jail, raped, abused, lacking personal freedom. (This should probably be mandatory for pedophiles). They can have chemical castration, but what is life without sex? Frustrating as hell. (This is probably the best option). They can go to meetings, like alcoholics, which always leave the option for back-sliding. Or they can do good while they're here and die like men and hope for a better reincarnation. Let God sort it out. I know if I had that sort of proclivity I'd just finish it. Or hire someone to finish it.

Makes you wonder why pedophilia is even an option. Like what Creator would even let adults ever think of children as sexual beings. But I guess it all goes back to free will. Something I enjoy about Christianity is the concept of FREE WILL. God never forced anyone to be a Christian (humans tried to do that). Meaning that humans have free choice to believe in God, or not, to worship Him, or not, to be good, or not, and apparently: to have sex with children, or NOT.

What thE..!?

Why is that even an option?

I've been watching Law & Order SVU and hooooly crap. That is messed up. It's even more messed up that it isn't complete fiction. We've all read these cases in the papers and then saw a "fictional" version on tv.

Why I prefer ghost stories, because I haven't met anyone who was terrorized by ghosts, but too many who were terrorized by other humans.

I'll try to talk about something more cheery next time.




  1. The "virtuous pedophile" presents a difficult problem. When you say "This doesn't stop me from thinking they should be put to death, ESPECIALLY if they've ever acted upon it." are you saying that the state should have the power to kill citizens who have committed no crime, based on their thoughts and innermost desires?

    Putting aside the problem that if we had such a policy no potential pedophile would ever come forward to seek help, I think you would probably agree that there is something wrong with a system that punishes its citizens for their potential crimes. Of course, it seems equally ludicrous to wait until someone gets hurt...

  2. It is a conundrum. Mostly I prefer not to think about it. Yet that becomes more difficult with the tv shows always portraying child predators, and with my friends and family breeding. And yes in a practical state that is vying for respectability in its laws, always portraying a wise man with a stern but fair hand, putting every child molester to death just isn't feasible for the reasons you stated above.

    Is also isn't useful or pragmatic to get so worked up about something like this that I have no intention to go hunt them down and see justice done. Alas, my moral outrage has been duly noted by at least two people. I also want to say "terrorists are bad" for the record.

    Also, thanks for commenting! I think you're my first.
