Wednesday, February 3, 2010


My husband tells me I get to spend money on myself for Valentine's day because he isn't going to be here. I'm debating between a cooking class, or booze and hookers. Decisions decisions.

But I did get a new job working with People, some of whom are actually funny, others even laugh at my jokes!

Best Yet: I was driving to work over Lake Pontchartrain and listening to Jelly Roll Morton on a PUBLIC RADIO STATION that WASN'T NPR, and reminiscing about all the crappy, repetitive radio and the lack of ANY decent radio in Central FL, and at that moment I really was walking on sunshine.

I am of the opinion that you should live wherever you like the music best. HA, suckers. Now I do. I think I'm going to stay here.

Also, I was afeared that there wouldn't be enough water, because you know I'm used to living 3 blocks from the beach, and I LIKE water, I mean a whole lot. But that whole thing about bayous and water is true. (That they are made of water). And it rains a lot a lot. Not just the 15 minutes a day showers we got in FL, but like for days.

Which reminds me: one afternoon driving home and the street got all golden-looking. I started getting freaked out, like some apocalyptic event was about to take place, it just felt wrong. I was looking around wildly trying to figure what the hell was wrong, when I saw the sun over to my right, going down. A sunset, you know? And then it hit me, I've been living on the East coast for so long I totally forgot what a sunset looked like. I haven't seen the sun actually go down in about 10 years. I've seen it disappear behind buildings and other structures, but not actually go below the horizon. It made me laugh.

Suffice to say, between the water, the music, the people and funny colors the streets turn in the evening, so far so good.


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